Dolfar Darflak Fan Art - Splinterlands Art Contest Week 277

✨Hello guys!✨😁
Welcome to this week's splinterlands art submission😌

How are you today? Hope you are feeling good!
Here, I'd like to share to you my Art entry of the weekly contest in Splinterlands. You could join the Contest by clicking this👉 LINK HERE👈

Join me walk through the process of creation and hope you have fun as the art progress from the start to finish.


Dolfar Darflak Fan art submission to Splinterlands Art Contest.


Card Reference:



Digital Art Process


As always, I started with a sketch for the pose and composition of the character. 🙂 From the sketch, I already like how it looks like and I'm very excited how will it turns out in the final illustration.

In the next image, I do a grayscale method. Checking my values, directing where the light goes and also the bounce light. I'm happy with that 😁 alright unto the next step let's go!



In here, I added the base color. 😁 I did that by adding a layer on top of the grayscale and set to multiply. To lighten it up add a layer, set to overlay and fill in a color light yellow orange.

In the next image, I'm too excited, I immediately start to render the face of the character. I love the emotion that it shows. Those villainy smile turns to laugh while he is casting a spell to his glowing ball. As if I could hear those laughs HAHAHA😈



And here, I'm hovering around in every part of the character to render. And yeah I love those hands coming to life. I also made the dragon skull eyes into a gem stone as it doesn't make sense to me if those eyes are from alive dragon, yup just my preference.

In the next image, I correct the perspective of the gem eyes, also I add the magical fire spell that flows on the ball.


Final Artwork


Lastly, I add the background and finished the illustration. I also put it in a card border to make it stylish hahaha see image below.👇



I'm happy with the result.😌 And by far from all of my splinterlands fan art, this one is my favorite. I think I improve my skills little by little from doing this. But I'm still far from what my goal is and I will still need to improve in every aspects such as anatomy, composition and lighting.😁

This is my 3rd 2024 splinterlands contest submission. I will be adding this to my collection of fan art and compile it by the end of this year.😌

✨That's it DONE!✨

You made it to the end of this post. I really appreciate your time and attention. Keep up the good work and have fun! Until next art illustration stay tuned😁

Thank you very much!

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