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Devouring Thyself | Digital Painting


Devouring Thyself

This is my own version of Francisco Goya's "Saturn Devouring His Son". I've always loved that painting and I felt the need to have my own touch to it. If you have read what Goya's painting was all about, you can guess what my interpretation is.

Here's a timelapse for this one:

As you can see, I can't decide easily if I should put an eyeball or not lol but in the end I just didn't. XD I'm still getting used to digital painting though, in my opinion oil paint is still top tier for me to use as a medium cos I can express well. In digital you have to work around smudging the paint and find what works best to be able to achieve the paint effect that you like.

I think some artists can relate.

This piece is minted on KnownOrigin: