Aoi | Oni Collection #7


Look into the yellow eyes

Onis all over the place! I'm really surprised that I've already done so many pieces for this collection, I always say that, but I really love painting these girls and their tattoos.

The seventh Oni is Aoi, her name means "bluish", I didn't think about it too much when assigning her name, as I based it on the color I gave to her horns, and it makes me laugh that I spend hours and hours painting and then I give the name in a second 😂


  • Gaomon S620
  • Photoshop
  • Brushes courtesy of Imad Awan: Download here


-Step 1:

The biggest challenge in this illustration, was the position I chose for the foot, as I positioned the camera from a low point, but with the foot in the foreground but without wanting to make it protagonist, I wanted the focus point was on Aoi's eyes.

-Step 2:

Then in different layers, I divided the main elements of the character, for this I used the pen tool, to make the edges as perfect as possible using the sketch as a guide. As for the color, the base colors were completely cold, but as I was shading I started to use warmer tones to avoid having a very pale Oni.

-Step 3:

As for the clothes, I used two colors that look beautiful together, blue and gold, using the gold as an excuse to shade the skin with orange to make it warmer, already at this point painting over the lines of the sketch to hide them slowly.

Also, I have always liked the patterns on traditional Japanese dresses, so I have been trying to quickly make some designs on her clothes to make them more interesting and also to practice these details that look really good.

-Step 4:

From the sketch I had planned to make stairs behind Aoi, but it seemed more interesting to replace them with a swing and thus take advantage of the wooden board on which the character rests, and the stairs did not make me feel comfortable to join them with the umbrella. So I eliminated the lines of the steps and started to work on the umbrella, for this I used the Polygon tool, but if you set its sides to a high number and select the "star" checkbox you will get lines that start from the same point, this is very useful when making guides for perspective or in this case, the umbrella's ribs.

-Step 5:

And of course you can't miss the tattoo, this time it has been much faster to do it, since I did it only on one arm and a part of the skin is hidden under the clothes, but this didn't feel enough, so I wanted to experiment and decided to add a new tattoo on Aoi's throat, this after I was looking at tattoos on Pinterest and found a girl with a great butterfly design right in the throat area, I tried it on Aoi and I loved the result.

Also to give more highlight, with a layer in "multiply" mode and a diffuse brush, I was giving strokes to shade the skin and the folds of the clothes and I loved how this made the eyes take more prominence, that's why as a last brush stroke, I applied some dodge color to make Aoi's irises shine in a more intense yellow.

I will leave you a GIF with the whole process on it, so you can better appreciate the illustration process.

Tell me in the comments that you imagine when you see this illustration.

See you in a future post!

Thank You for Supporting My Artwork



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