Fanart of "BlackMoor NYMPH"

Ahh, a great peace i got these days... No exams, No tension, no studies pressure, no restrictions on using phone... I'm just loving this period of my life🤭🤭.

Well ohh i just forgot to mention it's actually my semester break, and i'm really free to utilize this time wherever i want. I can learn new skills, i can till the mid of the day, i can make arts without restrictions and many more. There is nothing left about what I'm caring, not even about my results.

So, to utilize my time at something i like, i thought to make some art of my style. I felt that I'm kind of black and white artist so i tried to do some digital arts to add colors in my crafts, but i realized that's not my type of thing. Instead of doing something i don't know, it's better to get great grip on what is easy for me and I'm good at.

I opened my sketching kit and started doing my favorite thing, sketching.


I choose blackmoor because of its long black hairs. I have small hairs and hits me so hard, ahh this character is having my dream hairs🙂


The material i used includes sketching kit and sketchbook, mostly i used pencils of 3H, 4B, and 6B. And also blenders of medium and small size. Lastly eraser and scale.


I started with making outlines of the sketch with the pencil of 3H. The outline was little difficult to made as i had a blur reference, but i tried my best to add all details of the reference image. I just changed one thing in the sketch and that is knife in character's hand but it was looking so good.

In second step I started shading the hairs of the character, my image is not clear i accidentally used filter in some pictures and after moving to next steps i was not able to take picture of past steps, so few pictures were little blur.

After shading hairs i shaded the head and arms of the character and added some other little details which i missed when i was doing outlining. For shading i used pencil of 4b and also 6b for some extra bold colors.

After completing the shading in face i moved towards the shirt of the character. It was already planned to shade the shirt with my signature art, henna tattoos. So i started shading with some simple floral and circular designs. And ended up doing some shading of dark color in corners.

In last step I added the shades in bottom of the character. For that i used minimalist design of straight line. Along with a little touch of my signature art.
And Ta Da my art is ready

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