Digital Art: Change


Changing takes a great effort, I have so many layers in my life, some of which must be discarded even if it seems somewhat difficult. The skins of the past make me indecisive, the essence of my spirit wavers, and sometimes it causes fear. But the value that is in me, lights up, and shines by letting go of some reins, the change is purifying on this occasion.

ᕼEᒪᒪO, ᗯEᒪᑕOᗰE TO ᗰY PᑌRPᒪE ᗯORᒪᗪ 🟣

This work is a digital painting that represents the process of change and transformation in life. The painting has a unique artistic style, combining natural and symbolic elements. The figure symbolizes the indecision and fear that is felt when facing change, but also the courage and enlightenment that comes from letting go of the ties of the past.

On the chest has a few planets and stars, in which represents the universe that can always change, it is in motion, and sometimes beautiful things can happen through a change, or the creation of something new.

We can also observe around the figure as skins are detached from the body, I took this as inspiration when the snakes change the skin, also taking into account that they need a change.

But as I take all this to my life, well I want to represent all the changes that I have had to go through, some with trauma and others with serenity, but the important thing is that in one way or another helped me to grow or learn.

Every experience teaches you that you are alive.

I hope you enjoy all the details of this work of art.🥰🤩


TEᑕᕼᑎIᑕᗩᒪ IᑎᖴORᗰᗩTIOᑎ:

I work with an Huion Kamvas 20.
Photoshop CC 2019 program.
Drawing Dimensions: 5000x5000 pixels.



In this step I made a quick sketch, which helped me to define the shape and composition of the image. And with a new layer over it, I worked with cleaner and tidier lines, respecting the proportions and details of the sketch. As it was a sketch I had not realized that it had very irregular proportions.🙄

Step 1.jpg


In this step I apply the base color in grayscale, to define the tones and shadows of the image. Here it was a little difficult to paint the breasts😪, as you can see in the image, Here I enlarged the female figure a little, to give it more focus and beauty, I darkened the background and made it with stars, taking as a reference the image from the previous post, I also took the golden lines which I love the contrast that it gives the whole The masterpiece. Finally, since it is practically the final part, make the planets and stars coming out of the chest, giving that unique and admirable touch.hey do not have a very natural shape to the eye, but I continue with this step since it is just adding base colors.



With more details I define with more depth the female figure, I was still noticing something very strange, but my sight did not realize what it really was, and as I knew that there was still much to do, I was flowing with what I already had and with what I was already doing.

Step 4.jpg


Now I am in one of the most important steps, which is to add more vivid colors on the gray bases. Yes, this is when my head is spinning thinking, trying colors and defining what the future of the work of art is going to be like, sometimes I feel like it is fun, but sometimes not, on this occasion I let myself be guided by the impulse of what for it to come out, the only thing I kept in mind is that I had to add purple.

Step 5.jpg


Ah here I started adding the skin coming off the body, which I really enjoyed, the combination of yellow and purple was something I loved immediately. I also added the flowers, and the truth is I did it, because I felt that the hair needed something more, it looked very simple or alone, and I added more details over the entire figure. I made a textured background to see how it would turn out, I had doubts about this, however I left it as is.

Step 7.jpg


Very well, I admit, what I was seeing so much and at the same time I did not identify what it was, well, the hands were very small, they were not naturally proportioned to the body, oooh I don't know why I didn't see it from the beginning, This made the work to fix it more difficult,😭 but with a lot of patience I did it.

Here I enlarged the female figure a little, to give it more focus and beauty, I darkened the background and made it with stars, taking as a reference the image from the previous post, I also took the golden lines which I love the contrast that it gives the whole The masterpiece. Finally, since it is practically the final part, make the planets and stars coming out of the chest, giving that unique and admirable touch.


ᖴIᑎISᕼEᗪ ᗪRᗩᗯIᑎG

The animation of this piece was made with the Motionleap application.



If you want to see more of my art, you can access in the following links, In this website, you will find more digital artworks that I have created, with different themes, styles and techniques. You can also see the creation process of some of them.


Instagram | Twitter | Facebook | Pinterest | Behance


Foundation | Makersplace | Knownorigin | Async | Rarible | Opensea | NFTshowroom | Virtua


Before I say goodbye, I want to thank you for being here and supporting my work. It is a pleasure to share with you my passion for digital art. I sincerely hope that you liked my work, that it has transmitted something to you and that it has inspired you. If so, leave me a comment and I will be happy to answer you, to know your opinions and suggestions. Thank you very much for your attention.


ᑌᑎTIᒪ ᑎE᙭T TIᗰE!




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