Splinterlands Art Contest Week 277: Captain Katie

Captain Katie8.png

It is not everyday you come across a gorgeous Captain who knows their stuff and is ever ready to fight but Captain Katie is one of those. And now that you've come into this wonderful universe I say you are enchanted by her bedazzling personality.

I got the reference of an happy face and after going through my collection of Splinterlands cards I knew instinctively that Captain Katie would be a perfect subject to explore as her personality is full of life, even in a fight.


This time around, the drawing process was simple as I had envisioned the direction I wanted to take long before I started . And oh, this time there was steady supply of power hence I was able to make the painting smoothly.

Captain Katie8.png

these are the outlines....
Captain Katie.png

Captain Katie1.png

Captain Katie2.png

Captain Katie3.png

Captain Katie4.png

Captain Katie5.png

Captain Katie6.png

Captain Katie7.png

Captain Katie8.png

Thanks you for making me a part of your day, it is much appreciated.

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