Cosmic Creations Edition #7: Self Portraits (The Dark Lord)


I first saw the pist fir this contest two weeks ago when it was first posted and was prompted by my brother Timothy to participate. But I held off as I wanted to do something exquisite. Sadly, I got some tasky jibs in between and haven't been able to attend to this. This morning however, I finished up and sat to make the portrait.

Over the years I have considered drawing myself and have even arrange my sketchpad and pen a couple of times but never went through with it. Somehow whenever I look into my eyes, it felt strange and I usually start my drawings from the eyes.

With that being said, I resolved to make my first self portrait in connection with my evil alias.
There one of my neighbor's kid that calls me The Dark Lord whenever we are playing roles and the name over the years stuck.

The image I used to make this sketch was one I toon with a childhood friend the day my youngest sister got married. I had a year before seen piotrgrafik make such a look in one portrait a friend made for him and I coveted it.
I added the teeth and Dracula cape to spice it up a little, adding a Dark Lordy flavor to it.
And the locks was something I did to cover my growing



The drawing process..






I'd really appreciate your feedbacks on this as it's my first time. Thanks in advance and also for stopping by.

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