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Ithaqa Comic Issue 4 - Pencils - Page 1


When we make the jump from roughs to pencils, sometimes it might not seem as dramatic a transition as it is with the other phases. Obviously, thumbnails to roughs are huge, inks to color always pop, but the pencils are an interesting stage in their own right. Usually the transition from rough to pencil is where I make my most drastic edits. Unless I'm not paying close enough attention (and that happens way too much!) this is the stage where I notice mistakes, continuity errors, or in general act like a film director and adjust the 'performances' that come out of the characters.

Because of all that, I like to upload the pencils and the roughs in the same post so you all can see how the comic evolves. The changes aren't huge for this page, but keep en eye out for our future posts, you'll get to see which pages I didn't get right the first time!

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Theresa Chiechi's (The Artist @la-fumettista) website is here:

Lucas Gattoni's (The Letterer/Logo Designer) website is here:

Twitter: @IthaqaComic

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