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NFT Friday: "Fire Trees"

Welcome to NFT Friday!

Every Friday I'm posting a new NFT on NFT Showroom and showcasing it here!

This week's NFT is "Fire Trees".

A few years ago I tweaked some of my old forestry photos with funky colors. Now I'm making a sweet gif with those photos!

I wish I could find the original, like so many pictures I played with years ago, the original is buried somewhere deep on a hard drive somewhere.

Despite what most think, fire is actually good for forests. At least when it's controlled or allowed to burn through low fuels. These trees were a little cooked, which is OK, because it mimics natural selection. So, while I can't say no trees were harmed in the making of this gif, I can say the forest overall was a happier place.

How many and how much? I'm selling 3 editions of this token for 4 Hive each!

Buy it here!

Don’t like "Fire Trees"? I guess you hate nature. Nah, I'm just kidding. Perhaps you will enjoy the other NFTs I have for sale:

"The Form"


"Rain Drops"

"Blue Bills".

"Car Man"

"Untitled Apr 10, 2022, 1047"


"Double Ferris Wheel"

"Ferris Wheel"



"American Summer"

No Cash Value


"Mother Nature"

"Rainbow Valley"


"Alien Iris"







Be sure to add me to your fanbase on Hive Auto so you never miss an Upvote!

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Check out my nfts for sale on NFT Showroom!

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