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Cyanotypes: How To

As promised, here is a post about making cyanotypes. Today was the first chance I had to take photos of the process, as well as try out a new technique.

The necessary supplies.

This morning I decided to try out a uv light instead of relying on the sun. It was a bit cloudy out and I wanted to see if I could make prints during the night time if I wanted.

The first steps of the process, mixing the chemicals.

First I mixed the chemicals, then I used a foam brush to coat the paper.

Usually this step is done at night and the papers are left to dry overnight, but I discovered the other day that I could use a heat gun set on low to dry the pages in minutes.

Once the paper is dry it's ready to be exposed. First I put it under a transparency and then under glass to hold it all flat.

Then for my experiment I used a small uv lamp to expose the print.

I held it over the paper for about 8 minutes or so, which is about what I would do for sunlight.

After exposing the paper turns a bronzy blue color.

Here is what it looks like after the transparency has been removed.

Now came the rinse. This would tell me if I was successful.

Unfortunately the rinse took out most of the color. So much for using the handheld lamp....

So I waited for the sun to come out and put out a few more of my prepped sheets for about ten minutes.

I had plans for much of the day, so I had to hide them in a notebook and wait to rinse them.

Thankfully these came out much better! Once they dry I'll post a few one day this week.

I hope you enjoyed this post. Feel free to ask any questions you may have!


Posted with Ecency.




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