Revenge of Nature with the help of Meteor, Digital Art

Hello friends!

How are you all today?

I hope you are healthy and happy doing your activities today.

In my post this time, I will tell you about the fall of a meteor to earth and the meteor fell right on an old tree that is thousands of years old.

And from the meteor explosion, it released fragments, one of which was a spherical red crystal stone intact without significant damage.

The crystal ball was thrown into a tree trunk that was thousands of years old and miraculously the tree mutated into a humanoid creature resembling a monster with lots of tree trunks and leaves growing all over its body, and this creature could fly on legs in the form of green smoke.

This old tree that already resembled a monster because of the energy from the red crystal ball in its body.

Intending to come to the city where the humans live around him grow, to take revenge because humans have destroyed the place where the tree grows and lives.

Hope you guys like my content this time, and thank you for supporting me in this community.

Tools I use:
Windows 7 computer, wacom Cintiq 13HD and Clip Studio Paint.

Stages from Sketch to Coloring:

Final rendering result:

Thank you for visiting my blog this time.

And see you soon, bye..bye..bye :)

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