Pit Ogre | Splinterlands Art Contest SPT W-250, Digital Art

Hello, how are you guys today?

May you always be given ease in all activities and also happiness to live today.

This post is my twenty-fifth time participating in the weekly art contest put on by @Splinterlands, here I am drawing a Pit Ogre.

I chose this character because an Ogre with human skin color, and has lots of handcuffs around his neck and arms and big muscles is very good for fan art.

Here I am emphasizing the anatomy of a big muscle man like a bodybuilder who has just finished going to the gym, I hope my portrayal is suitable for this character :)

This artwork from the card game Splinterlands names the Splinterlands character Pit Ogre.

This time I want to win, hopefully this week will be mine.

Thank you for always supporting me to create works so far.


Source link:

Tools I use:

  1. Windows 7 Laptops
  2. Clip Studio Paint
  3. Wacom Cintiq 13Hd

Stages from sketch to coloring:

Here I'm using the sky and lightning as a background to make it more dramatic:

Final rendering result:

Thank you for visiting my blog this time, stay healthy and see you soon.

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