Master Muten Roshi (Dragon Ball Z Fan Art), Digital Art

Hello friends!

How are you all today?

I hope you are healthy and happy doing your activities today.

In my post this time, I didn't make a story from my picture, but I made Master Muten Roshi fan art in the Dragon Ball Z anime.

When I was little, I really liked this anime, because this anime is very different from other anime.

If other anime are identical with soft facial characters, but Dragon Ball has very sharp facial characters and very muscular bodies, this is very cool in my opinion. and also hair with thorns.

For Master Muten Roshi I like it because this character is ridiculous and a bit perverted ha.ha.ha, but in his fighting mode he can make his body big and muscular and is considered very strong for the character of a perverted grandpa :)


Does anyone here like watching Dragon Ball Z like me?

Hope you guys like my content this time, and thank you for supporting me in this community

Tools I use:
Windows 7 computer, wacom Cintiq 13HD and Clip Studio Paint.

Stages from Sketch to coloring:

Final rendering result:

Thank you for visiting my blog this time.

And see you soon, bye..bye..bye :)

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