FROST LION | SPT W-291 Splinterlands Art Contest, Digital Art

Hello, how are you all hive friends?

Hopefully your news is fine, and you will always be given blessings in this life 😊

This is the 66th post since I took part in the weekly art contest held by @Splinterlands, here I draw the character FROST LION from the Splinterlands FROST LION card game.

This time I'm trying to draw the anatomy of a four-legged animal well, so I chose this character.

I like this character because it reminds me of the black panther and also the ice man in X-MEN.

I tried to study the anatomy of tigers, lions and jaguars to draw this character.

To make this character pose look more dynamic and have character.

For coloring, we use the American comic style, which is full color with bold colors.

To create this character, I used thick and thin line art with the Gpen tool from Clip Study Paint and also the hatching shading technique for comics so that it looked like an American comic book character.

This time I don't have a target because just taking part in the @splinterlands character drawing contest is already great in my opinion, and congratulations to the top 3 winners and other winners πŸ₯°πŸ˜˜πŸ•ΊπŸ‘‘πŸ‘πŸ’ƒπŸ₯³

And thank you also to my Hive community friends, curators and other artists who have always supported me in creating work all this time.

I made this work in 5 hours with 2 hours of line art sketching and 3 hours of coloring and effects.


Source link:

Tools I use:

  1. Windows 7 laptop.
  2. Clip Studio Paint.
  3. Wacom Cintiq 13Hd.

Steps from sketch to line art:

Coloring process and also creating shadows and lighting

Final rendering result:

Thank you for visiting my blog this time, take care of your health and see you soonπŸ˜ŠπŸ‘‹πŸ‘‹

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