COSMIC CREATIONS | World Of Monsters | Book Cover #9, Digital Art

Hello friends!

Back with me again today, how are you?

I hope you are happy and blessed by God in all activities in your life.

Today I'm posting again, this time to follow Cosmic Creation #9 which is being held again by @alienarthive.

This book cover design is about a book about the world of monsters which is presented as a fictional encyclopedia for children.

When I was little, I once read a book about monsters with pictures and it was really fun to read, but I forgot the title of the book.

So I'm now trying to make the book again in my own style, even if it's just the cover, ha.ha..

For the "World Of and Children's Book" font, I used the standard Rockwell font. For the title font "MONSTERS" I drew it myself freehand and finally for my name at the bottom of the book "Deddy Wox" I used the comic Sans font. And I also gave an inner shadow effect and a little drop shadow from the blending options in Photoshop.

For the book mock up, I downloaded it on the Freepik website and edited it a little in Photoshop.

Book mock up link:

Thank you to @alienarthive and @ocd who are still holding this great contest until the Cosmic Creations #9 issue.

I hope you like my content this time, and thank you for supporting me in this community.

Tools I use:
Windows 7 computer, Wacom Cintiq 13HD and Clip Studio Paint.

Stages from Sketching to Coloring:

Final rendering result:

Final Mock up In the book:

Thank you for visiting my blog this time.

And until we meet again, take care of your health, friends.

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