Zed's choice : page3 & 4 | Draft Comic Book created with AI drawing tools.



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Processing Note:

A couple of hours of cherry picked picture using mini dall-e with some prompts and use them as init images. A hint to get better resolution is to submit these pictures to deblur restoration. These unblurred pictures are then used as init images into ic-gan which gives suprising pictures derivations. I re-use and fine-tune them with GAN distillation notebook. The text makes the glue to wander into those this very first attempt to create a comic style storytelling. The global scenario is not fixed and inspired by chatting with some GPT chatbots engines, and some older character ideas developed in my previous posts where you can find addtional info about my approaches. I would also recommend consulting the posts shared in the Latent Space Community - a child of - the Alien Art Hive Community.
Stay tuned.

My previous posts are here

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