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Dabbling around with DeepDream post-Snowpocalypse

Dabbling around with DeepDream



Been feeling a bit tired the past couple of days now that things are back to "normal." I have a bunch of upcoming projects waiting for me to dive back into, and I'm sort of easing back in with a bit of messing around with Deep Dream Generator.

I have been thinking recently about the potential of AI neural network processing for 4K video and look forward to the future when it's easier to process higher resolution images as even video directly. For now, I am dabbling around and daydreaming.

P.S. I haven't forgotten about doing the thumbnails graphic design live stream! I had to keep delaying it due to the power outage situation. It will be soon :-)

words, images, video
by @d-pend
created for HIVE
Feb. 19, 2021.