Cats Are Liquid

Here are a few images I created with Midjourney version 3 a couple months ago using the prompts "dripping paint" and "paint dripping" with these. I made many more but these are the ones I think came out best. They were enhanced with Gigaplex Ai, and touched up with GIMP (poor man's Photoshop). The versions below are not enlarged.

Red Menace. A red reptilian cat made of liquid paint grins vindictively.

This one came out very alien like. Like if a Reptilian alien took control of a domesticated cat's body instead of a politician's.

Feline Nightmare. A cat’s fears manifest themselves into blobs of dripping paint and encircle their feline foe.

What your cat might be seeing when it's twitching in it's sleep.

Fruit Soup. A cat emerges from a puddle of paint.

Is fruit soup just a smoothie?

Happy-Go-Lucky. The joy of feline delight explodes into the world with scratchy adorableness.

The evil face of feline joyful voilence.

Pouncing into battle. A fearless cat pounces into battle against whatever random item is sitting on the counter.

No need for war when your cat has everything sitting up high to knock over and defeat.

Good Morning. That face you see when your cat wakes you up.

Sometimes it isn't so cute when your pet wakes you up in the morning.

If you enjoy my work please consider following. You can also find me on various NFT platforms, print on demand marketplaces, and the usual social media accounts.

These pieces can be found at and

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