"Elevated Elephants Pump Up the Bass and Give Me a Hit of Ecstasy"

I went through a phase some years ago where I was really into making tessellations. Looking back, it makes sense. I was in a shit relationship and didn't know my own self-worth. I was stuck in a pattern of pursuing abuse and dysfunction. Each time I picked someone new I was sure it would be different. It never was.

Tessellations were the only way I could do the same thing over and over and get different results.


This was the only tessellation piece I "finished," finished meaning I didn't stop until I filled the whole page.


I think when I made this one I was intentionally going for the elephant shape. Elephants are important. To the world, of course, but also to me. My dad and I share a love of elephants, and if I was ever to believe in a Hindu god it would be Ganesha all the way. Ganesh. Ganapati. Om gam ganapataye namaha. Mover of obstacles. This whole time that I've been not believing in him he's still shown up and moved a ton of obstacles for me.




Story has a happy ending, too. I broke the cycle and now I'm free. And I'm me.


And then there's the flowers.


I didn't "finish" it. But that's ok. I was done with it anyway.


I don't remember what pens I used for these, but for whatever dumb reason, I don't have them anymore. Maybe they dried out. I dunno.


I think I need to go get more.


Cats. I was going to do a catface tessellation, but when I finished my two boys I was done.

Squid on the left, Pocket on the right. I miss them.


This was a cool concept. Elephants and pelicans. Two of my dad's favorite animals. He's always asking me to make him art. Always as in once every three or four years. His birthday is coming up. I don't believe I'll tear this out of the sketchbook and send it to him, though.


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