Have You Had The Cure?

If the news is to be believed, this country is in the midst of a loneliness epidemic. With all the skills we picked up dealing with covid, that should be no sweat. On the off chance that's not the case, I took the liberty of working up a NIGHTMARE FUEL™ solution.

AI is supposed to put everybody out of work, right? So why not use it to put loneliness out of work while it's at it? It can already convince people it's alive, which is more than I can say for some people.

With that in mind, I tasked MidJourney with crafting the cure for loneliness. If you think about it, humans are really just organic, self replicating machines, so why not take a machine, throw a nice coat of skin on it, fashion it in a pleasing shape, and hook it up to an AI? Voila! The cure for loneliness!

With access to more knowledge than any human will ever possess, you'll never run out of things to talk about. The occasional 'hallucination' will just add a little variety to life, kind of like mental illness. What could go wrong?

Coming soon to a Roomba dealer near you, frAInds: Loneliness's Cure. While some of you may have some initial hesitiations, wouldn't it be perfect for that toxic person in your life?

All images created with MidJourney.

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