~ Romanian Red ~

Look and BEHOLD


I finished some art for a change! I usually quit or give up before the art is finished. In this case, though i went as far as i was willing to go for this piece. I was quite pleased with the outcome. I hope you guys/gals are/were too.


Check out my last post to see my inspirations.

This portrait is a combination of many images like the one above. Thank you Mary for the imagery to inspire.


The idea of @creativemary being immortalized in a portrait would be beyond belief. However, that is the case here.... to the best of my ability.


I made a post a couple of weeks ago called Portrait Potrayal that featured the progress and development of this piece of art. I also explained the inspiration as well as the artistic approach to the project.


I had discussed with her long ago about making some art with her hair as the feature of my artwork. Time passed and the allocation of my inspiration was less than what was desired. However, there was more than enough inspiration to draw from that would satiate my attempt to recreate an image of beauty fitting for the occasion.


At this point, i decided to use an old technique that had served me very well. Up to this point, the paper had not really built the pencil in a way that was easy. I built color and medium in a way that served the greater good.


The thing i was most dissatisfied with was that the hair wasn't as red as it should be to honor the Romanian flag colors properly. The red of @creativemary's hair wasn't rich enough either in my opinion.


It took some creativity and some flexibility in my tools and techniques to be able to get even slightly close to presenting what it was that artistically i had a mind to share.

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I bought some Sharpie markers. I didn't realize how much i had been missing by not using them earlier on. I got yellow, red, orange, and black. I also got the blue and purple but didn't use them on this endeavor. The Sharpie factor makes a big difference.

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You can go purchase your own NFT version of this portrait here Art Auction


I used pencil, pen, colored pencil, and eraser to complete this artwork.

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Because of the paper, i had a difficult time layering the browns to overlap the reds and vise versa to achieve the tones i wanted.

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Overall, i won't complain that much. I was fortunate to be able to artistically express what i wanted here in these images.

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I really wanted to focus... or overFocus on the red hair and ... the curtly red hair in particular.

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In the end, it's my own fault for not being able to express how awesome curly hair is.... and in particular .... Red Curly Hair!

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It's at this point i considered giving up and quitting this artistic project. Even though things were not going to my hopes or expectations i still carried on.

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Go get it now before my NFT's are not affordable. In one sense i am joking but in another sense, i am being totally serious. I have made my auctions for the first editions affordable. I have priced my art affordably... and at some point in the future you will all wish you got my NFT's when they were within your price range.

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And of course, along the way i took some photographs of the artwork.

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Or you could go own the art by buying the NFT with your Hive.

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I will not make NFTs based on all of the angles that portray the beauty...

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But the beauty is intrinsic and should be acquired accordingly.
You can enjoy the imagery here for free in my post...

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I appreciate you all for taking the time to come and appreciate the art within my post. It's my hope that it has inspired you to go and check out the NFT ShowRoom and consider collecting some art over there.

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In the image above i did the background with horizontal black stripes. In the image below i did the black with a second sweep. I did a vertical pass with black to cover the horizontal black Sharpie.

So, hopefully, @CreativeMary gives her approval of this portrait. I would be more than willing to take commissions for future artworks.


Dude... you can get this shit for 5 Hive right now.... at the auction. https://nftshowroom.com/gallery/castleberry_peremptory-portraits_romanian-red You can click that blue link and find it.


I doubt anyone will actually go buy it from the auction from my experience. But, i will say that the price at the auction is lower than the price for the less than first editions.


The first edition was given to @CreativeMary...
and for the rest it's either a purchase from bidding in the auction or the less expensive option of just buying the art outright.

I have a feeling that those that miss the boat may feel upset at missing the opportunity in the long run.

Thanks for taking the time to be here NOW!


Love you guys and gals! Hive on My Friends.....

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