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Ojos y mas ojos

These works are from the beginning of 2012. I always do works spontaneously and that is why they often seem a bit childish and the technique very simple, which I really like. I like many things, from the most sophisticated to the simplest, I believe that excellence can be achieved in both ways.
It is not the case of these works haha they are rather a kind of vomit, those times when one needs to get things from the inside and does it through art.
The first is that I like it the most, although each one has its own and I like to look at them. All four are hanging in our gallery, along with so many other paintings.

Con tres ojos
Acrylic on canvas
50 x 70 cm

El ojo solitario
Acrylic on canvas
50 x 70 cm

Ojos flotantes
Acrylic on canvas
50 x 70 cm

Ojos nacientes
Acrylic on canvas
50 x 70 cm


How much magic has the painting! See the brushstrokes, the colors, the textures!

Bárbara Bezina ♥

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