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Twisted Jester | A splinterland fan art entry

Hey hey hey~ I'm back and I'm still a little sick but I'm somewhat well enough to draw and stare at a screen long enough 😅

I hate how mining season has started and I barely have time to catch my breath. Sick days are really my only rest days now. But the amount of samples that go through the laboratory doors overwhelm me these days.

Anyways, how are you guys?
I return with an evil looking sketch I chose from one of the splinterland cards 😅 it kind of fits the mood I have lately. All twisted and bent like what you see in contortionist shows.

This week, I decided to take on the twisted joker card as a continuation to the cards that rarely get any attention.

Materials used: blue, violet, pink, black, white ball point pens
Duration: a cumulative 3 hours

This is the original game card I based on though I only changed a bit of it.

This one's actually been in my sketches for a while now, but I keep getting bulk loads of samples and analysis this past week so it stayed a sketch until this morning when I wasn't so feverish anymore.

This was the progression shots I took when I started it. So as usual, I worked with pen. I haven't gone digital lately cuz I've been thinking about whether to sell my current tablet to buy an apple tablet and an apple pen because procreate looks sooo convenient and i really wouldn't mind buying a software as long as it can be used with my art style. Still thinking about it though.

I forgot to take a shot of the pencil sketch 😅

This one, I thought was the finished piece until I noticed that something was missing and it's nice that my sister pointed out that it looks unnatural without a shadow, so I added that shadow at the last minute and I'm pretty satisfied with this sick sketch for now UwU

Tomorrow I'm gonna try sketching again because i did ask for 3 days of sick leave because I'm usually sick for that long, though I'm pretty okay now, just the body pain amd headache left