Splinterlands weekly art contest | the fire elemental

Ha! I did get to draw today! How's everyone? I hope your Monday isn't so hectic? My Monday was spent cleaning my precious instruments then after cleaning, I placed all my samples into the instruments and voila! I am free again for like... 2 hours or so? So I got to draw ^^
While thinking of what to do, I realized I haven't been drawing for SPL in a while now, so why not give it a go again. Unfortunately, the only SPL character saved on my work desktop was the fire elemental so I thought of going with that for the time being XD
Though I feel like I do way too much fire elemental art? But then, the fire calls for me and since she is basically formless, I thought she could take any shape I would want her to take so this time I made a pretty close up!

Software: Medibang paint
Duration: 4 hours

I actually like where this one went because she is like a pretty flame and it's very fitting for a drawing for the leao season! Ahh yes, she just screams confidence.

But getting there... I feel like I made a mistake on the base color because I wasted a bit of time fixing up the background in the end XD Butttttt I do love my base color too since I rarely work with orange. Then I did my sketch in white because I was pretty sure the white would be easier to blend in than if I went to black straight away. Plus I was pretty sure I didn't want this to reach a black when it came to blending and shading because it seemed like it would just make my drawing look sooooo dirty!

Anyway, while I was blending, I was actually thinking that I wanted to stick with the oil paint brush because I really needed to retain the pigment and the shades of orange that I was building up. it worked for a while until I ha to bring out the airbrush and the watercolor brush to smoothen ot the textures. The oil paint brush didn't have that smooth texture I was looking for.

So this was like.. an hour in, before I had to do the groceries for the day. I was really thinking hard on what else I should do to the background since Orange just wasn't a color I would want as a background.

That's when I darkened it and then I started on y highlights. I also tend to build up my highlight layers to give it a more realistic feel. So in this case, I had a yellow orange base then worked my way up to yellow then very every light yellow. Working with the rxtremem ends just wasn't a habit of mine unless I did traditional. IDK, blending in the extremes just always either dirty my drawing or it just completely whitewashed everything. But that's just me.

I did not take a snap of my hair journey, but that definitely took me an hour as well XD why is hair so hard to do?
But the effort definitely paid off because of how glowy I made her hair out to be XD

This is all from me today as well ^^ I appreciate you guys stopping by! I will see you guys again hopefully tomorrow when I can draw more :") I hope I can draw more later since I am postponing my gyming sessions until next week.

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