Splinterlands Art Contest

Hiii ^^
Here’s my drawing for the Splinterlands Art Contest. For this week’s contest, I decided to draw a portrait of “Celestial Harpy”
To draw her skin tone, first I colored her skin with seashell pink, but it was so yellowish and didn’t look good with the blue feathers so I then mixed it with gray but it wasn’t what I wanted, either, so then I colored with clay rose and rosy beige on top of it and then I felt like it was turning out okay... at the end, I applied some red and pink color on her cheeks to make it more cheerful because I thought her face looked so pale.
To draw her hair, after coloring the base layer light blue I added some dark blue and then added feather texture just by drawing multiple parallel lines.
At the end I added some highlights on her feathers and around her eyes and earrings with a white pen.
Hope you like it~

Prismacolor and Faber-Castell colored pencils on Steinbach paper
White pen



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