Hiii guys~~~ ^^
Here’s my drawing for the Splinterlands Art Contest. For this week’s contest, I decided to draw “Coastal Sentry”.
It’s been a while since I wanted to draw her but didn’t know what kind of pose would suit her or looks good. I didn’t really know if it was a mermaid or not since it’s now shown on the card, so I decided to draw her lower body like a mermaid and decide to draw her gesture as she’s laying on the sand at the beach. In the card, she’s so attractive but in my drawing, she looks just adorable. In the end, when I finished the drawing I felt like something was missing so I drew a scale pattern on her lower body and I think it got completed.
The background may look so simple but to make the colors fade into each other we should color layers on layers so slowly.
I used a white pen for highlights in her eyes, lips, and earring.
The sketching and coloring her hair took the most time but I like the outcome so it was worth it 😄 Hope you also like it~
Colors used for drawing skin and hair:
Prismacolor and Faber-Castell colored pencils on Steinbach paper