Splinterlands Art Contest

Hiiii everyone~ ^^
Here’s my entry for the Splinterlands Art Contest. For this week’s contest, I drew the “Evangelist”.
I spent so much time on the sketch thinking about how I should draw her and what kind of expression I should give her to display her personality. So in the end, I ended up choosing this pose and expression as if she’s ready to rip one’s neck apart depending on what you’ll say to her 😄

How I colored her skin: First, I colored the first layer in "eggshell" color and then started shading using pink and grey, then blended the colors with white, and then started repeating the same colors over again (because white pencils do not only mix the colors but also lightens the colors)
At first, when I saw the card I thought she was wearing black lipstick, I’m not still sure about it either but decided to color it black anyway to make her look scarier, and as for her nails, I thought giving her long black ones is also a good idea. She’s much cooler now 😄 I also changed her hairstyle to a messy one 😄
It’s one of my favorite entries and I hope you like it too~ ^^
I used a white pencil to create the highlights in her eyes and a paper cutter for drawing her hair strands


Prismacolor and Faber-Castell colored pencils on Steinbach paper
Paper cutter
White pencil



Original Pic

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