Sea Genie | Fanart of Splinterlands Character

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Yesterday, when I was planning to watch a movie with my friend, we thought, Why not refresh our old memories? We watched the movie that both of us had seen together for the first time in our lives.

The name of this movie was Aladdin. We watched many times Aladdin movies in our childhood. Not only movies, but also stories and cartoons are made on Aladdin that we have enjoyed many times in our childhood.😁

Well, who doesn't know Aladdin? Every country has made different types of movies, cartoons, and stories according to their language. Which everyone must have enjoyed in their childhood with lots of happiness.

Do you also know something about Aladdin, or have you ever watched any cartoons or movies of Aladdin?

I like the lamp of Aladdin very much. If I had this lamp, so I rubbed it, and Genie came out, then he asked me to tell your three wishes. So I would definitely ask him my three wishes.😅

But these are not in reality. If they were, I would definitely tell him my wishes.😂

Do you want an Aladdin lamp, and if it happens that you find it, so what will you wish?

Well, today I wanted to make a sketch of Genie to relive my childhood memories, so I made it using the Splinterlands character as a reference image to make it easily. I hope I can make it beautiful.

First of all, I made the upper body of the genie. At first, my plan was to give him a human body from the bottom, but after that, I changed my plan because if I gave him a human body, then he wouldn't be a genie.

Now it was time to make her genie-like body. At first it didn't look so good to me, but I had a small hope that it would be beautiful as it made further.

Now my favorite part to draw, I mean the lamp of Aladdin. I tried to make it the best using pencil. Now it's done in outlining using pencil.

Now I have darkened the pencil by outlined with the help of a pointer, and after that I rubbed the pencil outlining and rough lines. Now, it looked very clear.

Now the last step was just to fill the color in it. This was the hardest part of the whole drawing and also the most time-consuming. But after seeing the final result, I felt that my hard work was not wasted.

You see the results.

Hope you like my work.☺

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