Fan art of Chaos Golem.

Hello Everyone!
I hope you all are doing well.
This is my first time participating in the @Splinterlands weekly contest.
I am not so expert in color art. But I am skilled in pencil sketching. I tried to make chaos golem.

Why Chaos Golem?

Summon Chaos Golem is a minion spell, summoning a Golem that grants the player Physical Damage Reduction while active.
It costs 30-54 Mana.


  • Paper
  • Pencil
  • Eraser
  • Scale

I took a paper and started my sketch.
I started drawing from his arm. I made his arm, hand and the upper part of the weapon which he is holding. Just like the same in the card.
I also made some horns on his shoulder and weapon.

It was a bit difficult to make the same as in the card but I still managed to do so.

After Completing his right arm I moved forward towards his head.
This was the simplest step of all. I made a square and then a crown on it and erased the extra lines. Then I made his eyes and collar.

While I was drawing his eyes I thought that it seemed like the eyes of an eagle. I laughed at my silly joke and moved on to the next step.

After completing his head, now it's the turn of his body. I made a sphere and then adjusted it to his body shape. Then I drew an eye in it and then the arms and legs of the eye.

I made its left hand and tada my sketch was ready. So before going toward the next step, I drew a boundary line.

Now my basic catch was ready so I moved toward the main part which was shading.

I started this step from the eye. I shaded the eye first and then its arm.

After that, I shaded the weapon and then the rest of it.

Here's the final look at my hard work.

I tried to make this

I hope that you will like it.

3 columns
2 columns
1 column