Sea Monsters In The City!


The moon turned grey on that day and all the animals went crazy.
But a brave little man went out with his boat to offer one of his tenderly grown giant apples as a sacrifice to the scary sea monsters, so that they might refrain from eating him, his little white house and his beloved city.
A great story of courage and faith!

Wow, this one got trippier, than I expected!

It's so interesting to watch myself paint these kinds of things.
I just started without a plan and slowly, some figures evolved and a story formed itself out of the chaos :-)

This funny colorful piece of art is available on NFT-Showroom, for anyone who's interested:

I really feel back on track now, after a while of struggling and worrying and got a bunch of new ideas.
Fortunately making art never gets boring! :-)

Have a lovely day, everyone!

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