Splinterlands Art Contest - Week 297 - Lunakari Mistress

Hello, everyone. It was another Friday night, which means another entry submission for the Splinterlands Art Contest. This one is being posted a little bit later than usual since I got myself busy catching up with my work assignments. Anyway, let's jump right into this week's entry instead of me yapping about boring stuff there.

This week I wanted to focus more on drawing accessories and such props. Usually, I focus more on the background, try to blend colors properly, and use decent color palettes for my drawing. But this week, I wanted to try something new and improve my accessory drawing skills. Lunakari Mistress' dress is on the less complicated side, but she does have some interesting jewelry. Trying to make them look metallic was the real challenge and the part I had the most fun with. It's not perfect, but I think I'm improving there.
I guess it's time to hit YouTube again for a couple more tutorial videos. Also do feel free to drop your tips on how I can draw different materials better (or if you know any sources or tutorials around that I can try out).

That's it for this week's entry. I do hope you enjoyed it as much as I did drawing it. Until next week's submission, cheers~

The Process

The Result

Original Card Art

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