Splinterlands Art Contest - Week 296 - Time Mage

Hello there, everybody. Today, I present to you all yet another one of my fan art and another entry for the Splinterlands Art Contest. For this week I decided to draw the Time Mage - another revisit to one of the old entries and work on it again with my improved techniques. This time around, I don't even remember when I did her first, since it's been too long (or maybe it's my mind playing tricks on me because of how many times I go over the card list in the shop when choosing my next card that I "think" I've done her...? haha)

Anyway, following the last Rada Quest fan art that I did, I invested some more time into watching some tutorials - to see how I could improve my hair drawing techniques and draw more complex hair, clothes, and accessories. For the Time Mage, I focused mainly on her hair (Ingolemi's hair was so gorgeous that it made me want to come close).

I also tried putting more work on her clothes and accessories, but no matter how I look at the result, her curly hair and her gaze are the first things that catch my eye.

I hope you've found this piece mesmerizing and pleasant as much as I invested time to make it look so. Do let me know what you think about it in the comments down below and until next week's entry... peace~

The Process

The Result

Original Card Art

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