Splinterlands Art Contest - Week 294 - Dark Enchantress

Hello again, everybody. I usually submit my Splinterlands Art Contest entries on Fridays, so here's another one :D (yes, I'm an eleventh hour person and it shows)

For a little bit of challenge, I chose to draw a more complicated monster from the vast number of monsters out there, and that brings us to the Dark Enchantress.

What caught my eyes at first was her really long hair and third eye and I decided to make that the main focus of my drawing. Also, she's looking a little bit sinister in the original game's art, and as you know I (usually) try to draw more friendly-looking characters, so I knew the kind of look I was going for - but there's the problem, that sort of long hair doesn't make your character too approachable, y'know :))

To my surprise, she didn't end up looking too scary. I still have to do something about the third eye - a little bit creepy that it's looking sideways, but I think that's as good as it gets and I settled for that - honestly, anyone with three eyes would start attracting some weird look anyway, so that's fine.

And that's how she turned out! My "friendly" Dark Enchantress, maybe you'd be good friends, or maybe she'd turn you into stone (don't stare into her third eye)... who know? That's it for today's art, stay safe, and I'll see you in next week's contest... cheers~

The Process

The Result

Original Card Art

3 columns
2 columns
1 column