Splinterlands Art Contest - Week 286 - Runemancer florre

Hi there, everyone. Another Friday, another Splinterlands Art Contest entry, and this time around, I chose to draw Runemancer Florre. She's one of the characters whose design I really like and I wanted to see how she would look with my newest digital drawing style.

I mostly use the white shine on metallic parts of my drawing - i.e. mostly a character's armor or jewelry. The rest of the usage goes to the magic and eye glows - eye glow could also be considered magical since most of the characters I draw are somehow magic-related.

Speaking of glows and such, I've recently noticed that I'm using the glow/shade pattern less and less and have instead switched over to this gradient change of color - whether it's modifying lightness or straight-up switching to another color.

Her power seems to revolve around trees, branches, and wood - judging by the wooden branches in her hair and skin in her original game art. That's why I decided to draw some branches closing in on her from off-screen and the glow in her eyes indicates that she's using her magical powers - or it could be showing when she first got her powers even.

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this week's submission as well :)

The Process

The Result

Original Card Art

3 columns
2 columns
1 column