Splinterlands Art Contest - Week 278 - Argarux Hydromagus

Good day to you all, everyone (or night). Today, I'm submitting yet another one of my Splinterlands Art Contest entries, Argarux Hydromagus - quite the mouthful, I know, and you bet I am copying and pasting the name instead of typing it out hahaha :D

It was one of the more interesting pieces I've worked on since I had to change a lot of her traits compared to the original art and add more details that weren't present in the original art - namely her hair. But let's dive a little deeper by going through the process:

The Process

The Redhead Orc?

As you've probably noticed, the Hydromagus herself doesn't have any hair - Pitbull-bald, I tell ya. So I decided to give her some fluff for a change. I wasn't sure what hair color I should've given her since there was not a single strand of hair - not even an eyebrow. I decided to give her red hair which ended up making a unique combination with the red war paint on her face.

The Magic Ball

I had her conjure up some sort of magic since the canvas looked pretty empty before the addition. And I think it worked magically - both from a logical perspective and by introducing more different and vibrant colors to the canvas.

The Result

In the end, I added some particles to her magic ball (in this case a conjured water ball), to add more drama to the overall result - a cute yet deadly attack.
Hope you enjoyed my submission this week, see you next time, cheers~~

Original Card Art

3 columns
2 columns
1 column