Splinterlands Art Contest - Week 266 - Countess Sinash

Hey there, friends. Hope you're having a wonderful time. Today, I've got another entry for the Splinterlands Art Contest. While I don't consider it my flashiest work so far, I think it did a great job teaching me some insight into how lighting and colors work together. I won't be boring you with a longer-than-necessary intro, so let's jump right in:

The Process

Light Color

At first, I tried going with the usual white glow on my character. But after some time I sensed something off. While the white light on Lyanna Natura's hair looked decent enough, I felt like that wasn't the case in Sinash's situation, so I turned the glow into a slight yellow, and that worked magic.

The Shadow

The shadow I had to put on the Countess' clothes and body was also a hassle. Thinking in 3D and giving her clothes the necessary shadows and glows was my main concern and I'm really happy with how it ended up after the effort I put in.

I think the reflections on the metal-ish parts of her clothes also turned out okay which was also another concern when I tried to color her.

The Result

Aaand, this is how she ended up. I added yet another layer of flashy-magicky noised glows as if she's conjuring some sort of fireball for a party trick.

I hope you enjoyed this week's art as well.
Wishing y'all an amazing weekend...

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