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Book of dead - Atlach-Nacha, spider in darkness (random page #8)

Heyho guys, dear alienart crew, art lovers, comic enthusiasts, fantasy fans and aaall who have the time and stopped by. Today I present you my eighth drawing of one random creature, page or topic of the book of dead aka the necronomicon. And at this point i have to say, I hate spiders... Lol... But no reason not to try to draw them.

the Spider God: Atlach-Nacha

Atlach-Nacha is a creature that was not directly created by Lovecraft, but by Clark Ashton Smith for his story called: "The Seven Geases", which belongs to the Lovecraft universe. Many others have taken up this idea and have mentioned and developed it since then.

The monster spider, Atlach-Nacha, resembles a giant spider with an anthropomorphic face that is also capable of some degree of human expression. The creature dwells in a cave system beneath Mount Voormithadreth, in the now extinct Arctic kingdom of Hyperborea. I had even heard the name "Hyperborea" before and immediately researched it, and what did i found, its from the Greeks, Hyperborea is that fabled paradisiacal region often mentioned by ancient Greek geographers and mythographers. This land is said to have been located far to the north, according to ancient records.
Well, back to the giant spider.
In this cave system, Atlach-Nacha spins a great web to connect the many caves of the underworld. In his original appearance in the short story "The Seven Geases," Atlach-Nacha dwelt between the caves of Tsathoggua and the antehuman sorcerer Haon-Dor.

According to other, later stories and the so-called Chaosium material, Atlach-Nacha's web is a bridge between the Dreamlands and the waking world. I don't know how many dreamlands and waking worlds there are, but it was mentioned in the plural. Do you know more about this? Please let me know in a comment.
It is believed that the end of the world will come when the web is complete, according to this science fiction, mythology story.
My first thought was "Spiderman" because in later stories spiderman meets Madame Web. Madam Webs web has also incredible power and because of it all spiderman variations are connected. Also some Hollywood Movies have this Biiiiig Spider as a main character or were inspired by this old stories. Anyway, lets see my making of...

Here now step by step of my ArtCreation. From the first pencil line to the finished digital artwork.

long story short

trinityart Atlach-Nacha long story short.gif

sketching and drawing...

trinityart Atlach-Nacha 1.jpg

trinityart Atlach-Nacha 2.jpg

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trinityart Atlach-Nacha 4.jpg

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Finished Design of my illustration

trinityart Atlach-Nacha artwork.jpg

First I have drawn it on a normal paper or to be more specific in my Art Sketchbook with a mechanical pencil, after scanned it and worked on it digital. Did some editing and stuff like that.

Feel free to leave your thoughts, a short comment, if you like.

Have a great day and thanks for stopping by.

Your @akida aka TrinityArt

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