Kaiju No. 8: Epic Battles & Funny Segments ~ Anime Review

Hello, it's another anime review that I've watched last night and I have fun watching it even though the anime is an ongoing and I'm excited with the next episode to be released this week. I stumbled upon this anime because It was the top 1 anime recommendation in my Netflix Account and I'm curious on why is this anime the top TV shows on my feed. So, I tried to watch this while laying down on my bed while preparing to sleep.

Author: Naoya Matsumoto
Genre: Action, Adventure, Science Fantasy
Status: Ongoing Anime


I've added the trailer for this anime so that you will get the idea about what is this anime.



The story is about Kafka Hibino & Mina Ashiro (Childhood friends) who wants to join in a subjugation team to become a member of the Defense Force and fight the monster called "Kaiju" who brought their world into chaos that many homes have been destroyed, people died, and countless of lives that are in danger.

Kafka, who is now a 32 and always failed to be part of the defense force because he always failed on his examination and he is now working as a cleaner or the clean-up crew of the "Kaiju" that has been defeated but Mina has become successful to become part of the defense force and she also became the captain of the defense force.

Kafka met a part time worker named Reno Ichikawa in his company of the clean-up crew who helps him to get into the defense force. While Kafka and Reno done cleaning up the Kaiju, they got ambushed by one of the Kaiju and they become injured then they went to a hospital to get treated. Kafka saw a small Kaiju and went into his mouth and he become a Kaiju himself...


Spectacular Animation

The animation of this anime is spectacular. Every battles that they fight in the anime, it never fails me to amaze me. It's one of a kind animation and it's not just a simple animation just like other anime that I usually saw before because the hyped level that I got whenever I saw them fighting is increasing.


Unexpected Character Progress

I never knew that Kafka is a loveable character. I thought that Kafka is a boring character because he is old like he was 32 in that anime and I didn't though that he has a sweet side. After he became a Kaiju, he's got a charming character.

I laugh whenever he make a mistake from it while in a Kaiju form and a Kaiju is not a typical and lovable character but it's a badass character.


Scenes that I can't forget

While watching this, Kafka never fails to laugh and smile me because of his lovable and adorable in his own way. There are lots of scenes that are fun and some were action where Kafka fight with other Kaiju. But one scene that I can't forget is that while he was in the hospital and he became a Kaiju.

He was spotted by an old man passing on their room and then Kafka make a smile to the old man but the old man was terrified with Kafka even if Kafka smiles but the face of the Kaiju is terrifying.


Similar Anime

There are similar anime like this one but there is a specific anime that I thought after watching the fourth and the latest episode of this. I think there is a similar anime which is "Fire Force", just like the fire force, that they will defeat the monster.

They are needed so that there will be no casualties with a twist of "One Punch Man" for Kafka because Kafka is pretty strong and he didn't knew that he was that strong. Kafka use his fist to defeat other Kafka's as of the latest episode of the anime.



As I've said, this anime is recommendable to watch because of these things that I've mentioned above. That is why "Kaiju no. 8" was on the first place for binged watch in Netflix because of the story and it's anime with cuteness overload for the main character.

I thought that I would not enjoy watching this anime but it turns out that It's one of the best anime in this season. I am also excited for the next episode of this anime because I want to see how Kafka will be part of the Defense Force and how he will be reunited by his childhood friend Mina. I won't read the manga yet because it might spoil me if I read the manga for this anime.

This anime is 10/10 that you can't expect the twist of events on this anime. I never thought I would laugh hard on the anime itself and my brother asked in the morning on why did I laugh so hard last night.


Note: The first photo was edited by myself in Canva

Sources: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11




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