I Drew One of My Favorite Characters from Dr. Stone: UKYO SAIONJI (^_^)/

I felt like drawing again today. Well, I wanted to paint, too... but I decided to just use colored pencils and my sketch pad this time.

When I draw, it's usually just the head part or the upper body at least, but this time, I wanted to challenge myself. And that is to draw the whole body of the character I'm making. I was trying to think which character to draw because there are a bunch of characters that I want to make.

Since I have decided to drawing a full body, I decided on Ukyo Saionji from Dr. Stone. Well, one of the reasons is that he's among my favorite characters from the anime/manga. He's so cute, intelligent and is also really talented when it comes to using his ears as well as his ability in using the bow and arrow. Another reason why I chose him is his bow and arrow. Since I'm challenging myself to drawing a full body, then why not create something with a cool pose.

I'm pretty much happy with how the artwork turned out to be. It was better than I expected. hahaha I should try drawing more full body style in the days to come. :)

Of course, I'd show you the process. As I've mentioned earlier, I just used colored pencils on my sketchpad to make this art work. So, first step, allow me to show you the sketching part. :)



I changed the first one because the hand part is too low. I thought it would be better to position it closer to the face, thus the second picture. :)


I was a bit confused with the hand positioning. I was browsing reference photos of Ukyo on Google, but I couldn't find the right hand positioning I was looking for, so I did this one below. lol


I was my own model.. lol, so here's how the hand looked like in the drawing. :)


With this, my initial pencil sketch is done. After sketching would be inking. I used my art line pens 0.1, 0.2 and 0.4 for the inking process. :)




Do you notice my mistake in the inking? hahaha Anyway, I erased the pencil sketch afterwards and tried desperately to erase my mistake, but oh well... things happen.. Haha After making it look cleaner, I then started with my favorite part... coloring! I included the colors I used for every part, so just check and enjoy the pictures! ^^







And lastly, I wrote my username as well as the date for today. <3


And there you have my version of Ukyo. Isn't he a cutie? Well, the original Ukyo in the anime is so much cuter, though. However, I really enjoyed drawing this. I especially enjoyed coloring. It was indeed a lot of fun! I look forward to drawing more in the days to come. <3 Jaa ne~!!! (_)/

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