Unohana Retsu from bleach | Fanart

I few weeks ago I made a fanart of Kisuke Urahara from bleach on someone's request till then I was only aware by the name of anime but now after watching a few part and some selected videos on YouTube of the anime I realised that there are many other interesting characters I noticed that bleach is very underrated anime in big three, most people might say that JJK is number one and some are fan of "one piece" and "demon slayer" but fans of Bleach are way less then others. Let me tell you if you are rather big fan of those I mentioned after, these all are inspired from bleach. It might be surprising but true.

Ok, so I was talking about the characters of bleach, let me tell you that this is one of the most complicated anime I've ever seen especially for those who hadn't watched it's previous seasons and directly head towards the thousand year blood war. I think there should be a complete dictionary and course to understand this anime as well is it is a bit longer but no longer then "One piece".


As always it was rather tricky for me to select final image or scene to ne drawn. The character of Unohana is so fascinating that which scene deserve to be drawn. But this one I selected for this weak. First I selected the scene of Unohana's Bankai with the sword full of blood but it was much complex as well and this one was pretty decent.

  • Start simply by making a sketch with an erasable lead pencil because sometimes we have to erase as nothing can be done perfect directy.

  • I had to paint the upper Kimono 👘 with white paint to make it distinguish from its background.

  • The dress beneath the upper Kimono is supposed to be black or pitch black as well as her hairs

  • This was the first time I faces trouble while doing some shades probably because it has a white base and the upper shaded colour is white.

  • Before doing the outline I gave some other details too like the details above upper blouse and shading the sword as well.

Final look
That's it, the making process was so, satisfying and healing as it is my hobby. As well as whenever a project is succeed it is so relaxing and enjoyable.

Why Unohana Retsu
As bleach fan knows that the whole soul society and Shinagami are badass then each other so, why I selected Minazuki the cause is that , yhe bankai Unohana holds is what attracts me most as a female having such terrible healing powers as well as fighting is just remarkable.

  • I usually make anime Fanarts here, it will ne my honour if I make a Fanart of an anime on others suggestions or what yoi guys love to see.
  • Thanks for reaching my content, I hope you guys will love it like always, see you next time.
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