I saw Mashle on tiktok I admit it 😂

I really like watching anime but between so many jobs, family, home, sometimes it makes it impossible for me to sit down and marathon a complete season or slowly search for an anime that captivates me, but honestly haha when I saw the opening of the second season I was shocked. pay attention because no one had recommended it to me

Ameeeeeeeee haha when he uses his supposed real triceps or biceps magic that although his plot is quite unbalanced powers it gave me a touch like dragon balla that Goku always surpasses his enemies somewhat

I was watching it with a friend and while we were watching we found type references to Naruto fighting with Gaara
Yes, it sounds stupid but they are opinions at the time they came out to us.

For example here haha it looks like a Yu Gi Ho character

Realmente me gusta ver anime pero entre tantos trabajos,familia, hogar a veces se me hace imposible sentarme a maratonear una temporada completa o buscar poco a poco algun anime que me cautive,pero sinceramente jaja al ver el opening de la segunda temporada me llamo la atención porque nadie me lo habia recomendado

In last week's episode I started talking to a friend and I swore and swore that Mashle was missing a maximum of 2 or 3 chapters because of course I didn't want to watch the anime and spoil myself but I couldn't stand it

And as he says to my friend, I take back what I said and I look forward to what else will happen but in the meantime I have to see Ao no exorcits Adioooss

Ameeeeeeeee haha cuando utiliza su supuesta magia de tríceps o bíceps de verdad que aunque su trama es poderes de bastante desbalanceado me dio un toque como de dragon balla que Goku siempre supera a sus enemigos algo

Lo estuve viendo con un amigo y mientras veiamos encontramos referencias tipo de naruto peleando con gaara
Si si suena estupido pero son opiniones al momento que nos salia

Por ejemplo aqui jaja parece un persaje de Yu Gi Ho

En el capítulo de la semana pasada me puse a conversar con un amigo y juraba y juraba que a mashle le faltaba máximo 2 o 3 capitulos porque claro no me quería ver el anime y spoilearme pero no aguante

Y como le dice a mi amigo retiro lo dichoooo y espero con ansias lo demas que iran pasando pero mientras tanto tengo que ver Ao no exorcits Adioooss ☺️🍭

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