Scissor Seven Anime Review


Yesterday i came across a Chinese anime called Scissor Seven. In general, even though anime originally came from Japan many Asian countries have to get into that niche market as it gets more and more popular. In my opinion, both China and Korea have created some amazing manhwa and animated series.

Thus, i gave it a try and watched Scissor Seven yesterday. The production is through Netflix and in total it has 4 seasons, with 10 episodes each. The episodes are a bit small, they last around 15 minutes. You can find the animated series with English, Chinese and Japanese voice acting.



So the story is around a young guy Wu Liuqi who lives on a small island, called chicken island. There he works odd jobs with his friend Dai Bo who is literally a talking chicken. Dai Bo found Wu Liuqi a couple of years back injured and through the miracle doctor he managed to save him. Now he has to pay the doctor's fee and that's the reason behind these odd jobs.

One day they decide to make Wu Liuqi an assassin as they will receive a better pay. So he sets a hair saloon as a cover, changes his name to Scissor Seven and starts his new career taking up random assassination gigs which don't turn out as planned. One of the goals is to rise up the ranks and manage to get to the 7 top assassins.

What I Liked and What I Didn't

So in general i liked pretty much everything. For instance, the animation is great as well as the voice actors both in the Japanese and Chinese versions. It has a lot of humor and funny scenes without exaggerations.

The interesting thing for me which i didn't expect was the fight scenes and the action in general. I thought that this would be just a funny animated series but it turns out to be more "serious" than i expected. Sure it has humor and a lot of funny scenes as i mentioned but when things get serious the whole atmosphere changes.


Also, in most serious fights you get to see gore scenes, blood all over and intense fights. The weapon of the protagonist as you might have guessed it, is a pair of scissors that can be manipulated using his Chi. Also, there are tons of characters introduced with different abilities which is quite cool.

The only things that i did not like were some unnecessary episodes that seemed like fillers. Also i believe that 15 minutes per episode is not that much and because if you watch the show you will realize that the creator behind it has a lot of fantasy, i believe that 20 minutes per episode is not that difficult.

Have you watched it?

IMDb Rating 8.4/10

My Rating 8/10

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