A review and recommendation: Zom100


If you’re a love of zombies movies, fantasy, life lesson, romance and many more then ZOM100 is the best anime for you and I’ll tell you why soon. Ohayo Otaku, weebs, and anime lover. My name is fashtioluwa and I’m welcoming you to my blog.

ZOM100 is an amazing anime not just because of the zombies, the running or fun but because of the lesson it passes. I’m not a person that watch anime for fun but I also watch to learn something from it and this is why I would recommend the anime for you.

Akita is a very lively guy who was happy to have landed a job in the company of his dream. His main main is to be the best in the company so he can make an impact in his environment. He was very happy with his job, his new boss introduced him to his department’s and every other department so he can feel welcome. During his first day, he met the most beautiful lady he has seen in his life “Saori Ohtori”



He fell in love with her that day, his first day was looking amazing already. Saori gave him some hint since she works in the finance department and asked him to come to her about anything finance related. Akita was having the best first day at work of his life. After the day was over, Akira was was thrown a welcome party, he was having fun while his eyes met with Saori. It was then he made the decision to impress her with his working skills then win her heart. Little did he know that the organization he had joined is the one that exploit their worker.

After the party was over, Akira thought he would be heading home but instead, everyone was ushered back to work.


And that was the start of his miserable life. The started working from the first day till the end of the second day without any stop. This went on for the first one year, he believed he will be able to pull through but reality dawn on him, he lost sense of all color and all he could see was black and white. He lacks sleep and all he was focused on was working and pleasing his boss.



Akira life continues like this until something mysterious and strange happened. On his way to pay his due to his landlord, he found out that his landlord has already turned into a zombie and a zombie apocalypse had happened over night while he was asleep. He wasn’t sure what he was seeing


But as soon as the zombie tried to attack him, he made a run from it and then he realized what is happened, during this realization he notice how beautiful his environment was, he realized how he had stop working for himself but for his boss. The realization that he doesn’t have to go to work again gave him an endless bound of joy. I was surprise a person would be happy at a zombie apocalypse.



With the realization that he doesn’t have to go to work again. He started writing down list of things he had always wanted to do but has never gotten the chance because of his exploitative work. He started writing things down because everything is now at his disposal so long he doesn’t come in contact with the zombies. Along the way to make his new dream come through. He met some survivals along the way. Some of them were able to survive the full episode while other didn’t.
Some other amazing characters in the anime are

His next door neighbor


Shizuka Mikazuki

A very sweet personality. She believes in moderation and always cautious of her every move unlike Akira.



Keni, a man who wants to become a comedian but ended up in the real estate business but after the zombie apocalypse, he joined his best friend (Akira) to have the most fun they have ever had.

The anime is a pretty interesting and amazing one, coming from a weeb like you, I would say you should give it a try. Thanks for reading. If you have any recommendations for me, drop it in the comment.

All images are screenshot from the show

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