Winner of QuenaSabor Name That Tune Contest #22

This post is to announce the winner of QuenaSabor Name That Tune Contest #22.

QuenaSabor Name That Tune Contest #22

Thank you to those who participated and commented. The correct answer was "The Lonely Shepherd" by Gheorghe Zamfir, made popular in the movie Kill Bill. This correct answer has been given by:

  1. @hopestylist
  2. @mypathtofire

The author reward on the contest post was 12.073 HBD and 32.944 HP:
Screenshot 2023-08-02 at 2.51.09 pm.jpg

Converted to HIVE that rounds up to 66 HIVE for the contest prize and the winner is: @hopestylist

Screenshot 2023-08-02 at 2.53.40 pm.jpg

Since there has not been many participants, I've decided to gift @mypathtofire with 33 HIVE to thank you for taking part in the contest.

Congratulations to both.

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