"My Actifit Report Card: May 25 2024"

My Actifit Report Card: May 25 2024


1. morning main street / 1. 朝の大通り


2. morning bus stop / 2. 朝のバス停


3. morning townhouse / 3. 朝の町家


4. morning object / 4. 朝のオブジェ


5. morning courier center / 5. 朝の宅急便センター


6. morning purchase specialty store / 6. 朝の買取専門店


Yesterday, I went out and walked around as it was easier to get out in the morning. It was nice and cool. I took some photos of interesting scenery along the way and will post them here.

  1. the main street in the morning. It was a nice moment when there were no cars on the street, but in reality, there are always a lot of cars on the street in the morning.
  1. Bus stop in the morning. People who use the bus for commuting to work or school are waiting for the bus while touching their smartphones. And I am waiting for the bus just like them on the day I go to the hospital. Thankfully, this bus stop has many buses that stop and go to many destinations.
  1. A townhouse in the morning. A bamboo hanging with a hole drilled in the doorway is decorated with flowers. It looks very Japanese, and I think it is very elegant. The first floor of my new house is made of concrete and there is no balcony on the second floor, so I thought it would be nice to enjoy flowers like this.
  1. a morning object. The signboard by the store says that it is a bag store. In my mind, there is no connection between this wiggly object and a bag. Is it a metal fixture that connects the string to the main body? Anyway, I could feel the strength of the object.
  1. the TA-Q-BIN center in the morning. Waiting for packages to be taken out. Come to think of it, there was no TA-Q-BIN center within walking distance from where I used to live, so it was nice to have one within walking distance. If it is a small package, I can put it out without waiting for them to come and pick it up. There is also a bring-in discount.
  1. a store specializing in morning purchase. This store specializes in buying jewelry, brand-name goods, etc. We have nothing to buy. There are several antique stores and recycle stores in this neighborhood as well as stores that specialize in buying items, and it is fun to look around. In the recycle stores, there are some hats for 50 yen, which makes you want to buy them.



  1. 朝の大通り。たまたま車が通っていない瞬間が撮れてすがすがしい感じがするが、実際は朝から常に自動車がいっぱい通っている。
  1. 朝のバス停。通勤、通学でバスを使う人たちがスマートフォンを触ったりしながらバスを待っている。そして私も通院日にはこの人たちと同じようにバスを待つのである。このバス停は止まるバスや行き先も多くてありがたい。
  1. 朝の町家。玄関に穴を開けた竹をつるして花を飾っている。いかにも日本的な感じがして風流だなあと思う。新しい自宅は1Fはコンクリートで固められ、2Fはベランダがないので花を植えて育てるというのができないので、こうやって花を楽しむのもいいかもと思った。
  1. 朝のオブジェ。そばにある看板を見ると鞄の店らしい。このくねくねしたオブジェと鞄がどうにも私の頭の中ではつながらない。ひもと本体をつなぐ金具だろうか?とにかく力強さは感じられるオブジェであった。
  1. 朝の宅急便センター。荷物が運び出されるのを待っている。そういえば前に住んでいたところから徒歩圏内には宅急便センターがなかったので、徒歩圏内にあるのはありがたい。小さな荷物なら集荷に来てもらうのを待たずに出せる。持込割引もある。
  1. 朝の買取専門店。宝石やブランド品などの買取専門店で、うちには買い取ってもらうものが何もない。この界隈には買取専門店だけでなく古道具屋やリサイクルショップなども何軒かあり、見ていて楽しい。リサイクルショップなどは50円の帽子などがあって思わず買ってしまいたくなる。

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My Actifit Report Card: May 25 2024

This is a cross post of @yadamaniart/actifit-yadamaniart-20240525t004841322z by @yadamaniart.

My Actifit Report Card: May 25 2024

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