What Do I Expect To Hive? Hiveに何を期待するか [English and Japanese]


What Do I Expect To Hive?

This post is joining Hive JA Event, which allows you to freely write your blog following some of their questions. Among the interesting questions provided, I selected 'What Do I (You) Expect To Hive?' as my content.

What Do I Expect To Hive?

Hmm..., it's a very interesting and fun topic to think about and write. Firstly, I simply enjoy writing about my life, nature, artwork, food, garden, and more. When I started writing posts through Steemit, I had high expectations for rewards and hoped to make money from my artwork. Initially, I limited myself to posting about my activities.

As I began communicating with many bloggers, I felt a desire to write about my daily life instead of limiting my topics. Consequently, my expectations became more modest, and I started receiving more upvotes little by little.

After transitioning to Hive Blog, I gradually felt more open and free. I now feel comfortable sharing my daily life, simple topics, and of course, my artwork.

Returning to the question 'What Do I Expect To Hive?' Like some other bloggers have mentioned, I feel very comfortable joining Hive communities. I always feel welcomed and eager to participate. Ultimately, I simply expect that there will always be a place to share something whenever I want.

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Brushing Up My Writing Skills

There are many good writers on Hive, so I enjoy reading and checking bloggers' artwork and content, which gives me many great ideas and hope. I write my stories, so if I write Hive blogs consistently, it will help improve my writing habits and skills. Since I started writing through Hive, I have felt very motivated to write constantly about many things, which is very healthy for my mental well-being.

I finished a novel last year. It wasn't tough for me because I often write blogs through Hive. Writing is not as challenging for me anymore. Continuously writing something maintains my brain very well.

Additionally, if I write about something bilingually like this almost every day, that would also be very good for my brain functions, I guess. I am currently working and studying, but I am still motivated to create time for writing blogs.

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Hoping To Save Money For The Future: Digital Nomad Life?

I am hoping that I can fully shift to the digital nomad lifestyle year by year. I have been limiting my work to online endeavours these years. It's not easy to create a steady income, but I am fully motivated to carve out my niche little by little. However, I still need a semi-passive income to supplement my main income. I am expecting that the Hive blog will become stable as my main semi-passive income someday in the near future.

Currently, I make $10-20 if I create some nice blogs, but mostly between $1-9 per blog. I would like to earn stable rewards if possible. Yes, I should keep on writing. There are many talented people in this community who have deep knowledge about cryptos, and I am always amazed by their expertise. For me, I simply participate and support as much as I can.

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Hive is My Digital Diary and Record

As I started to minimize the possessions in my life, I often found myself wanting to live more lightly. When it comes to moving, I prefer not to pack many things. When cleaning, I aim to reduce the clutter before starting. And when focusing on tasks, I prefer a clear workspace. I want to reduce paper documents as much as I can.

Initially, I didn't expect to use my Hive posts as a record of my creations and writings. However, I have begun using my blogs as a diary and record. I can track my blogs as long as the Hive blog exists in this world. Hopefully, I will continue writing until I leave this world!

Japanese 日本語



この投稿はHive JA イベント・Hive JAコミュニティの皆さんに質問です!向けの記事です。イベントにはたいへん興味深い質問がいくつかあって、その中から選んで記事にするという内容です。私はその中から「Hiveに何を期待していますか?」という質問を選びました。





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