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Does anyone else find it interesting that, prior to the Russia/Ukraine conflict, anytime in recent history that there was a conflict that did not directly involve the US we would do everything to peacefully resolve and end the conflict and attempt to negotiate and create peace among the participants, regardless as to who the perceived “aggressor” was? But with this conflict, we have clearly not only done nothing to try to peacefully end it, but we have also clearly and aggressively “picked a side” and effectively inserted us into the conflict – effectively doing everything to ensure that there is no peace and that the conflict never ends.

And now it is becoming increasingly likely that these actions of Biden and the dems will actually directly draw us into a real war with Russia and China, as well as other countries, starting World War III, putting every American at grave and deadly risk and stretching our already weakened and depleted military as a result of their woke policies into a far more impossibly thin and impotent entity unable to defend the American citizenry in any way – resulting in real and significant fatalities, without hyperbole – INCLUDING THE NOW VERY REAL POSSIBILITY OF A NUCLEAR WAR.

It is abundantly obvious that Biden and the dems do not want this conflict to end, and in fact will do anything to keep it going, regardless as to the number of Ukranian and Russian lives lost, which significantly increases on a daily basis, regardless of the BILLIONS of dollars we have sent to Ukraine (when that money could be going back to the American citizenry to assist them with the massive economic and inflationary from which we are all suffering), and regardless of the massive danger they are placing on the American citizenry as we are drawn closer and closer to war. Biden and the dems continuously blame all of our inflation and massive economic woes on “Russia”, despite the conflict having nothing to do with it and the reality being that it was all caused by Biden’s and the dems’ disastrous policies (just like they blamed “Russia” for President Trump being elected, which has since been 100% debunked), and so long that the conflict continues Biden and the dems keep sweeping all of our massive inflation and economic devastation under the “Russia” rug, again despite the conflict having nothing to do with it and the reality being that it was all caused by Biden’s and the dems’ disastrous policies.

INFLATION – INCLUDING GAS PRICES – WAS SOARING WAY BEFORE RUSSIA/UKRAINE. This was a direct result of Biden’s and the democrats’ draconian policies, rampant spending, ridiculously prohibitive and expensive regulations, and massive tax increases, and now they are trying to use the war to sweep it under the rug. In addition to the fact that the massive spike in gas prices began way before Russia/Ukraine, inflation on ALL goods had already been soaring throughout the country – food, building materials, gas, consumer goods, etc. – AND NOW THERE IS A FOOD AND A BABY FORMULA SHORTAGE – and NONE OF ANY OF THAT HAS ANYTHING TO DO WITH RUSSIA. Yes – gas prices will increase even further now as a result of the war (and only gas – the war has no impact on the prices of any other goods that are now at historical inflationary levels), but they will increase off of an already ridiculously historically high inflationary basis that was in place before the war even began!

It's also reasonable to ask what information Zelenskyy and the Ukranians have on Biden, that Biden simply gives him more money anytime he asks for it to the tune of BILLIONS OF OUR DOLLARS. Let’s not forget that the dems attempted to impeach President Trump simply because he asked Ukraine not to back off of a very real and credible investigation into Biden and his son (Remember Hunter Biden’s sitting on the board of the Ukranian energy company, Burisma, and them paying him $1 million per year, despite Biden have ZERO experience in the energy sector? Remember then Vice President Biden BRAGGING about how he literally threatened Ukraine with withholding $1 billion of aide unless they fired his son’s investigator?)

THIS IS THE VERY DEFINITION OF TREASON, without hyperbole. Biden and the dems have put the American citizenry as well as our national security at grave risk, not to mention the theft of billions of OUR dollars that could otherwise be well used here in the US to resolve some of our massive economic devastation, but are otherwise going to Ukraine to continue to extend a conflict that has nothing to do with the US, just so they could cover up the disastrous economy that they created.

The democrat party used to be the anti-war party and the party of the middle-class. Now they have proven that while the Republican party has been proven to be anti-war, the dems are doing everything in their power to escalate war – and directly involve the US in it. Similarly while the Republicans have become the party of the middle class – doing everything to protect them and keep their taxes down, the dems have been doing everything to completely destroy the middle class and raise taxes on them (particularly that HUNDREDS OF ECONOMISTS AND EVEN THE NON-PARTISAN CONGRESSIONAL BUDGET OFFICE ADMITTED THAT THE DEMS’ “INFLATION REDUCTION ACT” WILL NEVER DECREASE THE ASTOUNDING INFLATION (THAT BIDEN AND THE DEMS CREATED); AND IN FACT THE MASSIVE INCREASE IN SPENDING WILL INCREASE INFLATION AND INCREASE TAXES – PARTICULARLY ON THE MIDDLE CLASS!).

So of course they don’t wish for this conflict to end, despite it being best for everyone – for Ukraine, for Russia – and for the US.