I miss the little pub down the road


I grind and I graft, but I will make sure that I get that time off here and there to unwind and relax and have a life.


I don't go out much. I'm very much a 'homebody' but sometimes there are specials at the pub down the road that seem irresistible and my friend often gives me ten million reasons why we should go and have supper there, lest I protest. Sometimes I do but mostly I don't and you'll understand why in a moment.

This place is basically walking distance away which is nice because you don't have to deal with motorists on the road, especially over weekends when it can get rather hectic here. It is after all quite touristy in the tourist season and sees flocks of international people land and want to "make merry". We tend to stay well clear of them but being able to walk to this local spot is nice and gives it a much more homely feel than driving there.

We tend to go when they have specials that they run and only occasionally as eating out tends to be more expensive than we can tolerate on a regularly basis. That's also why I only have a few pictures from this spot.

The outside tables are simple picnic benches with umbrellas but they look out over the entire lake, just over the road and from there, you get to watch the most spectacular sunsets.

The view this place looks out onto
It basically is a pub offering sports to watch when they have live games, a bar and a restaurant. The sport and drinks I'm not interested in but obviously that appeals to some people that go there. The inside has a very cozy atmosphere with a fireplace that they light in winter and a number of tables, but it feels too cramped for my liking so we tend to sit outside and out of the fray which tends to become the bar area when people have one too many.

The place is lined along the roadside with massive wild fig trees, gorgeous displays of aerial roots hanging down and the trees are lit up at night with green adding a festive ambience. They play soft upbeat music that is never overpowering so you can easily still hear each other speak and the food? Well that's really the main attraction.

Date Steak.jpg

The last time we went there they had a special of steak, lamb chop, sausage, egg and chips for about $6, it is done to perfection and really delicious. I wrote a post a little while ago using a photo of their steak special which was about the same price, my friend and I shared a 500g steak which cost us about $3,50 each. More than enough food for two, good company, good music, good vibe, what else could you possible ask for on a night out?

While we didn't go there too often, one thing I can say for certain is that I definitely miss going there every now and again for their wonderful dinners and I miss the company of my buddy too.

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