IF ANY MAN BE IN CHRIST Episode 1: New Creatures

It means a lot when we say that we have given our life to Jesus. In this series I m sharing with you, I want to try to break it down to bits what it means when the bible says in
2 Cor 5;17 "if anyman be in Christ he is a new creature, old things are passed away, behold all things are become new".

It is not just a cliche or some bywords, it embodies the very essence of the great change that makes a true believer in Christ transformed with evidence to behold. We all know the story of creation how God made all the heaven and the earth and all that is in it. He even gave them things to feed on. He also made man and gave him life and dominion. All of that creation was not anything like the new creature in Christ Jesus. Jesus Christ came to become the first born of many brethren,( Rom 8:29) that is, the first of a kind of creature that had never been seen before. We may not have a name, we are not mere men, but the writer knows this and thus use the term "new Creature".

This new identity is one we should bear with pride and joy that we are no longer held bound to the works of the body and flesh but are now under a new nature and a new authority who now has dominion over us, the Lord Jesus.

The word dominion has been coming up so lets take a minute to clear that out, you know when Adam was created, he was given dominion over the earth, he was made Lord over the earth and was giving all things for which he was to eat and enjoy from, but not to eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Remember that he doesn't even need it, because all the things that God had created were already good, so who ever drew him to eat of the other tree was intending to introduce him to the knowledge of evil. It was when he ate this that he lost that dominion to satan and satan became the one in charge. This was why when he tempted Jesus at the wilderness, he had the effrontery to say he would give all the world's riches to Jesus if he worshipped him.

It wasnt strange that Jesus did not challenge him at this, but went on to address the matter that no one else deserves to be worshipped, but God. (Mat 4) .
This dominion being the case, was collected by Jesus Christ after he died and resurrected, he came back and said
Mat 28;18
And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth.

We have gotten back that dominion in Christ, now what is left is for all who believe in him to be under his dominion and now a new breed.

This reengineering had to happen because the first was corrupted and satan still had power over them, but if any man be in Christ Jesus, he is a new Creature, all things are passed away behold all things become new.

God bless you.
I ll continue on this in subsequent episodes.

All Bible text references from the King James Version.
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