My Chess Game || 20-03-2023

Hello Chess Lover,
Today I played many interesting Chess games. The game I liked the most was against a German player @rexic141.

I open game with King's pawn opening. My opponent reply with Sicilian Defense. I continue with Nf3 and my opponent reply with Old Sicilian Variation.

There was never a time during the entire game when I was in trouble. I play the whole game with cool mind. I dominated my opponent the entire game.
The turning point of the game was 24th move when I move my light squared bishop to Bc4.

My Plan was to exchange bishop with rook of opponent. Because Bishop and Queen both are attacking the king of opponent. If my opponent remove check with bishop then I move knight to g5 to double attack on bishop and queen at same time.

I capture light squared bishop of my opponent and check the king at same time. My opponent recapture bishop and to remove check but the following position is very amazing for me.

My opponent Resign after my next move. The final position of the game before resign is given below.

Thanks all chess lovers for Reading, Sharing and Voting especially @stayoutoftherz , @schamangerbert , @chessbrotherspro and @jaki01 for their encouragement of my posts which helps me to get motivated.

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